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[lua] Lua 기본 문법

by 크크다스 2018. 6. 12.

[lua] Lua 기본 문법

참고 사이트> https://www.lua.org/pil/3.2.html

- 비교연산자(Relational Operators)

<   >   <=  >=  ==  ~=

- 산술연산자(Arithmetic Operators)

`+´ (addition), 

`-´ (subtraction), 

`*´ (multiplication), 

`/´ (division), 

the unary `-´ (negation)

- 논리연산자(Logical Operators)


and/or 는 "결과가 도출되는 Argment"를 Return한다.

and :   첫 False

(1) First Argment ==<True> => Return<Second Argment>

(2) First Argment ==<False> => Return<First Argment>

or : 첫 True

(3) First Argment ==<True> => Return<First Argment>

(4) First Argment ==<False> => Return<Second Argment>

(1) print(4 and 5) --> 5 (2) print(nil and 13) --> nil (2) print(false and 13) --> false (3) print(4 or 5) --> 4 (4) print(false or 5) --> 5

    print(not nil)      --> true
    print(not false)    --> true
    print(not 0)        --> false
    print(not not nil)  --> false

a ? b : c

- 문자 결합연산자(Concatenation)

 print("Hello " .. "World")  --> Hello World
 print(0 .. 1)               --> 01
