= "ps"에 대한 전체 내용을 다룬다.
= 용어정의
. RSS(Resident set size) : 물리 메모리를 실제 점유하고 있는 크기(KB)
가상메모리 크기와는 큰 차이가 있을 수 있다.
= 내용
> ps -eo user,pid,ppid,rss,size,vsize,pmem,pcpu,time,cmd --sort -rss | head -n 11
rss순으로 상위 10개 보기
. cmd : 인자포함
comm => 실행 명령만
= 참고 <http://www.cyberciti.biz/open-source/command-line-hacks/linux-monitor-process-using-pidstat/>
. pidstat [options] [interval] [count]
pidstat -d -p 7114 1 50
pidstat -T CHILD -r 2 5
pidstat -T CHILD -u 2 2
- PID - The identification number of the task being monitored.
- kB_rd/s - Number of kilobytes the task has caused to be read from disk per second.
- kB_wr/s - Number of kilobytes the task has caused, or shall cause to be written to disk per second.
- kB_ccwr/s - Number of kilobytes whose writing to disk has been cancelled by the task. This may occur when the task truncates some irty pagecache. In this case, some IO which another task has been accounted for will not be happening.
- Command - The command name of the task.
- minflt-nr - Total number of minor faults made by the task and all its children, and collected during the interval of time.
- majflt-nr - Total number of major faults made by the task and all its children, and collected during the interval of time.
- usr-ms - Total number of milliseconds spent by the task and all its children while executing at the user level (application), with or without nice priority, and collected during the interval of time. Note that this field does NOT include time spent running a virtual processor.
- system-ms - Total number of milliseconds spent by the task and all its children while executing at the system level (kernel), and collected during the interval of time.
- guest-ms - Total number of milliseconds spent by the task and all its children in virtual machine (running a virtual processor).
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